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The book Deliver Value in the Data Economy is for data monetization purposes and helps you to build a bridge between the IT department and business design to maximize data-driven value creation. Data productizement and servitization are explained with real-world example case stories. This book is primarily for data business developers and contains just the bare minimum of technical terms.
Why is the book written?
Based on data product-related discussions with 200+ companies, we have seen that gap in knowledge is not in technology or adopting technology to monetize data assets. A lot of tools, platforms, and technical solutions exist and we have skilled people on the job. But the problem is that they do not know what to do or why.
The business layer in companies is lagging behind and has difficulties understanding and applying data economy in their business. We want to change that!
The book is written for business developers, CEOs, CIOs, CDOs, and all developing data-driven businesses. If you happen to be in a position where innovating new business or leading digitalization is your thing, this book is for you!
Facts-based and use case driven content
The book offers insights based on our experiences in practical cases as well as results from academic research we conduct as well. Two of us have doctoral degrees from ecosystem-driven platform businesses. We will leave the technical aspects in the outer rings since those aspects are already covered in various blogs and podcasts. The focus is on the business side of data commodities also known mostly as data products and data as a service (DaaS).

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