Mobility as a Service (MaaS) integrates various forms of transport and transport-related services into a single, comprehensive, and on-demand mobility service. MaaS offers end-users the added value of accessing mobility through a single application and a single payment channel (instead of multiple ticketing and payment operations).

The MaaS Alliance has three dedicated Working Groups addressing issues related to user needs, regulatory challenges, governance and business models, technology and standardisation.
MaaS Alliance's Technology & Standards Working Group requested more information on Open Data Product Specification
A Shared understanding of a data product is needed
Obviously, data is at the center of the MaaS operations. There are multiple stakeholders, multiple borders to cross and still,and data must flow. A shared understanding of a data product is the key. This is where Open Data Product Specification (ODPS) comes in and offers a comprehensive yet extensible model.
What is Open Data Product Specification?
The Open Data Product Specification is a vendor-neutral, open-source machine-readable data product metadata model. It defines the objects and attributes as well as the structure of digital data products. The work is based on existing standards (schema.org), best practices and emerging concepts like Data Mesh. The reasoning is that we reuse and proudly copy instead of reinventing the wheel.

The specification has been designed with four major aspects of the data product in mind: 1) technical (infrastructure & access), 2) business (pricing & plans), 3) legal (licensing & IPR), and 4) ethical (privacy & mydata). The four aspects are described in 5 elements, which contain attributes and other elements.
Specification aims:
enable interoperability between organizations, data platforms, marketplaces, and tools.
reduce data product metadata conversions and errors between systems and organizations,
increase the speed of designing, testing, and implementing data products.
speed up tools development around data product design, development and management.
enable creation of automated data product deployment with standard methods (DataOps)
Exploring Joint interests and projects
Jarkko Moilanen, the "father figure" of the specification gives 15 minutes long presentation to MaaS Alliance staff about the standard on 7th October 2022. We expect to find multiple shared interests and possible joint activities. Who knows, perhaps MaaS Alliance would become member in the Open Data Product Initiative.
If you wish to have similar session with Open Data Product Specification developers, contact Jarkko Moilanen.