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The Ultimate Data Product Development Package

Jarkko Moilanen

We have bundled the number 1 data economy book and data product toolkit. Both are built with business-first approach and value creation purposes. You can purchase the package from

Deliver Value in the Data Economy book

The package includes Deliver Value in the Data Economy book. From the book, you'll get knowledge on how to succeed in the Data Economy.

The book is for data monetization purposes and helps you to build bridge between IT department and business design to maximize data-driven value creation. Data productizement and servitization are explained with real-world example case stories. This book is primarily for data business developers and contains just the bare minimum of technical terms.

Business-first Data Product Toolkit

The package contains also Data Product Toolkit 2.0, which is a ready-made and revenue-generating set of business canvas tools to create Data Products. The Data Product Toolkit 2.0 is based on experiences gained from 200+ real-world data monetization cases.

Ask yourself, do you want to sell barrels of oil or gasoline? Which is more usable and valuable for the consumers? Which has bigger profit? If you don’t like the oil comparison (for a good reason), how about milk products then? Raw milk or Swiss cheese? Which is more profitable? Or which carries more value for consumer, wood or timber? And if you build a custom made furniture from wood, the value is even bigger. The point is that unrefined rawmaterial has lower value than refined product.

Data is no different. You need to productize and refine it for maximum speed and sales .

It does not matter if you use your data only internally to refine other services. You need to package data to make it reusable across your oganization. The later you decide to productize data, the more costly it will be. With productized data you can gain results faster due to speed of reuse capability.

More about the Data Product Toolkit 2.0 from

Buy the absolute power package for just $99!

Get the package and start data monetization today! Get the book and toolkit with one purchase via Leanpub!


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